Friday, February 28, 2014

This Russian Dash Cam Scene is Not what it Looks Like

When it snows, people tend to “forget” to clean snow off their cars, with many of them thinking it’s perfectly normal to drive around with half a meter of snow on the roof of the car. Well, it’s not normal at all, it’s disrespectful to the other drivers and just plain dangerous, as it affects visibility.

As you can imagine, cars driving around while covered with snow are a frequent sight in Russia, and they cause their fair share of accidents. So what can people do to avoid that from happening?

Well, an example can be seen in the video posted below, where a motorist takes the matter into his own hands when he sees that the car in front has its taillights completely covered by snow.
The video may start exactly like a classic Russian dash cam crash incident, but if you are patient (for about 40 seconds or so), you’ll discover that it's actually funny.

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